The Democrats are facing a red wall of the right-wing disinformation ecosystem. Basically, nothing Dems say gets through to the median American. How can the Dems attract enough votes to win a presidential election when this is true?
There are two possible solutions to this problem:
There are two possible solutions to this problem:
Build a left-wing information ecosystem equal to the right-wing information ecosystem. This would probably cost billions and may never succeed. Our overeducated Democratic leaders have shown themselves singularly inept at communicating with median Americans.
Come up with a simple but attractive idea that can be plastered on every billboard in the country: Lifelong job retraining for all American citizens.
This will include financial support for those in job training, perhaps by extension of unemployment benefits. Assistance should be given in applying for other benefits— food stamps, TANF, Medicaid, during the job training period. All, of course, while making satisfactory progress toward completing the program.
Note how this new guarantee dovetails well with the immigrant-weary mood of the country. The program is only for American citizens—if immigrants fail to find opportunity in our country, then perhaps this isn’t the country for them.
Yes, it’s an entitlement. But it’s an entitlement that will do great things both for the economy at large and left behind Americans. It’s a benefit for everybody, but it can disproportionately benefit left behind minorities.
I have run this idea by some Democratic voters, and they claim that Dems already support job training programs. This is true, but they reach only a small percentage of those who need them, and people have no guarantee they will be there when they need them. Government money is helping to get chip fabs being built, but will the left behind Americans be ready for those jobs? The Democratic Party claims that the cavalry is going out, but individual citizens wonder if it will ever stop at their house.
It is only by communicating with the median American that the Democratic Party will gain traction again in presidential elections. Hit the voters with a promise that fits on a billboard: Lifelong job retraining for all American citizens.
Keep it simple, stupid.
Sometimes. simple is what a whole society needs.
for the need for Dems to focus on economic issues, this is a report from a year long campaign by a Democrat in a New York district.
Robert Reich's Coffee Klatch
would be a very useful site for the fifth column to Ally with
as we begin building communities from the ground up to slow down this mindless rush to the authoritarians who promised everything and will deliver nothing except what goes into their own pockets.